Unlock the Full Potential of your Mind & Body with the Alexander Technique

This mind-body awareness practice has deeply influenced my own singing. It is an essential component of my program.

The Alexander Technique prepares you mentally and physically for the challenging business of refining the coordination of your vocal organs. It will support you in releasing habits of posture, movement, and thinking that interfere with your best performance. You will discover a new ease and efficiency in your singing and find a healthier way of using your body in all your activities.

Here are some of the benefits of AT study for singers:

  • Achieve the most efficient postural support for your singing

  • Eliminate habits that produce unnecessary tension

  • Learn to breathe fully and freely

  • Refine your kinesthetic sense so that you can reliably recognize the subtle muscular adjustments involved in singing

  • Accustom yourself to getting out of your own way so that your body can respond to your intentions naturally, with freedom and precision


You can read an article I wrote about the Alexander Technique for Classical Singer magazine or browse more detailed information on the Alexander Technique.

What People Are Saying About Michael's Alexander Teaching